Orezi Needs His Earrings At All Times

Orezi Needs His Earrings At All Times

Orezi is a Nigerian superstar, spreading the love of Afrobeat and dancehall to the rest of the glove one huge record at a time. In 2013, he released a banger titled “Rihanna,” which catapulted his name to the mainstream light. When it comes to his fashion style, he represents Africa down to the core.

Last year, he released his standout single “Sweet Sensation.” Now, he releases his new collaboration with fellow Nigerian star Teni on “Your Body.” Each of his records arrives with the utmost highest quality and Afrobeat influence.

King Ice caught up with Orezi via Instagram Live to discuss his love for earrings and watches.

How would you describe your fashion style?

Sweet. I always love to look good. Plus I look good naturally. [laughs] I love Africa, I rep Africa. I try to keep the balance between a Western and traditional look most times. 

What are your go-to’s for jewelry?

First would be my earrings. I can’t do without my earrings [shows dangly earrings]. I always have them in. After earrings would be my wristwatch. 

What’s your favorite watch? 

My favorite wristwatch right now was made by my friend, he has a wristwatch line. He’s a young entrepreneur out here named Dolo, his wristwatch company is called Dolo Wrist Watch. It’s actually one of my favorite wristwatches because I can use it to make a video and to record sound. When I’m in the car and I’m trying to freestyle an idea, I can use it to record it. I don’t have to use my phone. I like to support my own people. I have several other wristwatches, but I wear Dolo Wrist Watch a lot of times.



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Shirley Ju
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